South Australia has a population of over 1.6 million people, and roughly 1.2 million people live in the capital city of Adelaide. Here we detail some of the locations around the state and near the city which host regular bingo sessions on a weekly basis. If you are considering going to one of these clubs or centres, we recommend confirming with the venue as times and days are subject to change.

Club: Marion Sports and Community Club
Address: 262 Sturt Rd, Marion, South Australia, 5043
Open: Seven days a week.
Bingo times: Wednesday and Friday from 12pm to 2pm.

Marion Sports and Community Club

Location: Regency Park Centre
Address: 171 Days Road, Regency Park, South Australia, 5010
Opening days: Monday to Sunday.
Bingo sessions: Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30pm, Thursday, Friday at 6pm and 7.30pm, Saturday from 6pm and 8pm, and Sunday at 1pm, 4pm and 6pm.

Where: Bedford South Australia
Address: 615 Goodwood Rd, Panorama, South Australia, 5041
Times: Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8pm.

Where: Glenelg Football Club
Address: Cnr Brighton Rd and Newmans Lane, Glenelg, South Australia, 5045
Times: The club has sessions each Tuesday at 12.45pm and 7.30 pm, and each Thursday at 10.30am and 12.30pm.

Venue: British Working Men’s Club
Address: 11 Davis Street, Wingfield, South Australia, 5013
Tuesday at 7.30pm, and Thursday at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 7.30pm

The legal gambling age in South Australia, like the rest of the country, is 18, so persons under 18 are not permitted to play bingo.

7 Replies to “Adelaide and South Australia Bingo Locations”

Bingo at Bedford and Glenelg are no longer available.
Glenelg has gone to Holdfast….Tuesday 12pm??
Another bingo is at Edwardstown memorial grounds…Thursday night 7.30pm

Regency bingo is no has gone to Allenby gardens???
Please update your site
Let me know if there are any weekend bingos.
[email protected]

Hi there, I am staying at my son’s place in Lockleys as I am visiting from Melbourne. Any afternoon of morning bingo in the area. Cheers, Annie.

Bingo from Glenelg has gone to CLUB Holdfast Lawnbowls And Croquet BINGO, corner of Anzac and Brighton rd. Tuesday and Thursday, both day and night sessions.

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